NYSE Top 10 stocks

NYSE Top 10 stocks
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Score Votes Pos Neg Neu
Goldman Sachs 20.2 20% 31% 11% 57%
IBM 9.2 5% 11% 2% 87%
General Electric 5.9 1% 21% 15% 64%
American International 5.8 2% 10% 4% 86%
Wal-Mart 0.0 0% 9% 9% 82%
Johnson&Johnson -2.2 57% 31% 33% 36%
Citigroup -3.2 1% 4% 7% 90%
Exxon -8.3 0% 0% 9% 91%
Bank of America -10.3 5% 13% 23% 64%
Pfizer -57.3 9% 2% 60% 38%
Poll results as at 2024-09-15
Number of views polled = 315,073
Created by @happygrumpy_com, 2019-03-31
Interest rate: 43